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Kate Barnes | children's director
Kate directs one of Polaris' most vital ministries, the children's ministry.
- Email Kate
Michelle Burd | Communications & Logistics
Michelle helps with communications and coordination of various events. She just make things generally better around here! She also works for our preschool, Rise & Shine.
marcus fife | worship pastor
Marcus heads up our worship ministry and coordinates our Sunday morning services... read more.
David ivy | student pastor
- David has been our student pastor since 2008... read more.
- Email David
- Click here for specific information about student ministry.
Adam McMahan | Connection Pastor
While Adam shares preaching and worship responsibilities, his primary role at Polaris is to help people take next steps to get connected here. If you want to know how to get connected with people and ministries at Polaris, he's the guy!
Alex poindexter | lead pastor
Alex was one of the founding pastors of Polaris. He and his family have lived in Brunswick since 2000. ... read more.