From Alex:
Hello! Thanks for checking out Polaris! Here's a quick snapshot of Polaris and my family.
I helped get Polaris started 25 years ago, right after I graduated from Kentucky Christian University. I grew up in Massillon, so I was ready to get back home to Northeastern Ohio as soon as I finished college! That same year (1999), I married Kelli.
She is a Senior Vice President in Credit Risk Management for a large financial institution. She works on loans and policies for energy industries such as renewables, utilities, metals, mining, oil & gas. She also volunteers at Polaris in Polaris Kids, the worship team, and hosts a women’s Bible study.
We have two boys, Spencer and Elijah. They both went to Brunswick High School. Spencer is now a student at Cleveland State University. He's a sophomore but is mainly interested in building his YouTube channel. He started it when he was 14 years old with a broken laptop and PS4. He's rolling now! Elijah is a junior at BHS. You'll see him on the baseball diamond this spring! Polaris is a church with LOTS of young families. While I'm excited to think about an empty nest, I'm glad I can relate to the challenges of raising young kids- and teenagers, for that matter- and now, adult kids!
Since you are mainly here to learn about our church, here are a few data points that make us unique:
- We are all about kids. In Matthew 18, Jesus said he takes how we treat children very personally. "...Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." I see that as a blueprint for a church that pleases God. We make sure kids love it here, and we can know Jesus is pleased. If you have young kids, they will like Polaris Kids ministry. Once your kids spend a Sunday morning in our Polaris Kids programming, they will keep you coming back!
- Isaiah 58- Isaiah 58 is God's command to care for people in need and to help the underdog. We build Polaris around this teaching. Outward focus and generosity are very important to us. You will be a part of a church that makes an impact outside our walls. Our student and kids ministries are top-notch. Our live band and worship are incredible. Our friendships run deep. But it's the outward focus that makes us who we are!
- People often comment on Polaris's authenticity. People see us as normal and approachable, with "down to earth" being the most used descriptive phrase. One of my favorite "ministries" of Polaris is my Lizardville nights. I just invite guys at Polaris to hangout there with no agenda. You can come as you are and be yourself. Bring your messy lives to be a part of our messy church. Together, we'll grow in friendship with Jesus.
I hope to meet your family soon! Reach out with ANY questions. Be sure to introduce yourself to me when you visit!
See you Sunday!
More about Alex:
Interests: Biking, Baseball, Golf, Reading, Poker
Favorite Locations: Hilton Head, Sedona, Cactus League Spring Training
Food: Diet Coke, Mexican, Pho, Mozzarella Sticks